Review of Spellbound 2011

Here’s what the reviewer, Dennis Hausker, had to say about my own contribution to the anthology, Telltale Signs:

This story is written with the heroine as narrator relating her experiences. (Is that a European thing?) It certainly works for her. The story blended suspense with a snap shot of the likeable heroine and her life. Being alone in the dark is a universal fear for everybody. Your imagination can be your biggest enemy.

NaNoWriMo update!

So far, so awesome! I set myself an ambitious goal, but it’s been a good week. Over 18,000 words in my 30-day novel project. I’m starting to find it hard to stop after 3,000 words each night. But next week, monthly progress reports and then midterm report cards have to be done. I have to watch my time and my priorities. Plus, my daughter’s sixth birthday party has to start coming together. I may have left it a bit too late to book a party location. (gasp — six little girls in our tiny living room…please let there be room at a spa for six mini-manis and pedis!). I’m kind of torn on the manis and pedis for little girls, but when I was six, I loved having my nails painted. I remember having this temporary nail polish that I could peel off when I got tired of it. (It was probably toxic as hell, but anyway…) And then there’s Christmas. Some of my colleagues have already been shopping. Sending or receiving cards. I can’t even think about it yet. I broached the idea of doing a home-made-gift-only Christmas, to be more responsible with our extremely limited income, but hubby didn’t like it. He seems to feel it would be too hard for the kids. Hmm. I disagree, but then again, I’ve left it a bit late to start the hand-made gifts. I can cross-stitch a mean tiny quilt patch, or a wee logo from a favorite sports team or tv show, but if I end up juggling that with this book, on top of birthday party and school responsibilities, there’s a very real possibility that my head may explode. Plus, I still have to get an IRS W-7 or W-9 or whatever for Melange Books, which is difficult in Canada.
Is it any wonder that writing is becoming a bit addictive? It’s a wonderful escape. I really love the app I’m using, Novel in 30. It gives you little pick-me-up quotes every time you go in to work, tells you if you’re ahead or behind schedule, gets you to post little announcements on your progress on FB. Little things like that are helpful. Encouraging. And, sending updates regularly to my main reader, Kate. She’s awesome, reading everything I send and commenting on it. I find that if it’s not just me — if I’m pushing myself so someone else can enjoy or yell at me for what’s happening in the book — it makes me want to do more. I look forward to her comments, praise, and complaints every day. Gets me going!

National Write A Novel Month — NaNoWriMo

So I’m taking a leap this year and doing NaNoWriMo! Crazy woman that I am, committing to at least 1,667 words per night for thirty days, and already upping the ante, challenging myself to do more. I’m doing 3,000 words each night, aiming for 90,000 in order to have Book 2 of the Talbot Trilogy match Book 1. Book 1 is done, but needs editing. Yay, me!