First full day spent outside — hooray!

Although the yard is still very soggy, it didn’t take as long as I’d feared to clear up all the doggy poopy from our long winter, and then I was able to do some gardening. I worry that it might still be a bit early, but after seeing the weeds gleefully taking hold in the garden patch, and the ferns starting out front, I decided to take a chance. I put in some bulbs and seeds, and then did some potted plants and seeds in eggshells.





Beltane will be upon us in a few days. Let’s hope that the rest of the snow will melt away by then!

Aftereffects: Zombie Therapy by Zane Bradey


Well, whatever I was expecting to read from my initial impression of the title, I was pleasantly surprised by Aftereffects. It’s a refreshing, deceptively layered, and exquisitely detailed look at a zombie apocalypse, from more than one perspective. It was like 28 Days Later and the Walking Dead meets CSI, NCIS, and Criminal Minds, with a dash of Alfred Hitchcock for added zest and skin-crawling irony. For someone like me with a morbid and twisted sense of humour, the creativity with which the author treated zombie attacks, the perspective of the zombies themselves, and the motivation and actions of the protagonist, a zombie psychiatrist, were absolutely compelling reading. I wish the story hadn’t ended when it did — I would have liked to have known who was behind the mysterious camera keeping tabs on things throughout. (I won’t add anymore, for fear of being spoiler-ish.)

I highly recommend Aftereffects for anyone who enjoys a bloody good zombie read. You’ll barely be able to put this one down, I guarantee it.


Serenya’s Song NEW COVER Reveal!

cover party pic

I’m delighted to have Mysti Parker tell you about her latest project:

Author Mysti Parker

Author Mysti Parker

Serenya’s Song, Book Two of the stand-alone Tallenmere fantasy romance series, was born in April 2012. To better reflect its place as the darker middle-child of the series, cover artist Caroline Andrus and I tore the original cover down and redesigned it! Special thanks goes to KY photographer Alicia Carlton and KY model Courtney Leigh Collins for providing a beautiful image for Serenya! 

On Sunday, April 28 from 5-9 PM EST, I want to show off this new beautiful cover, so please join me for a night of prizes, games, music, and merriment! Share this event AND bring a friend! 

Schedule/Prize List:

Cover Reveal, Blurb, Trivia / Weekend Spotlight OR Interview

Song & Excerpt

What’s Your Hobbit Name? / Notebook & Mug

Song & Excerpt

Add Your Own Caption / 4 E-Copies of Serenya’s Song

Song & Excerpt

Share the Cover / Signed Print of Serenya’s Song

Song & Excerpt

LIKE & Share / $25 Amazon Gift Card

Join the Party HERE:

To learn more about Serenya’s Song and the Tallenmere Series, visit my Goodreads page:

Update: The new cover is OUTSTANDING!


Overwhelming TBR List! (updated August 1, 2016)

You know how your eyes can be be bigger than your stomach? I get like that with books. I have so many on my to-be-read list that I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to start. And there’s a difference between my list of TBR on Goodreads, which includes books I don’t yet have in my possession, and the ones I have available to me now. So I’m going to list them alphabetically (by title), and by location, and make a start…

On my Kindle (app):

Aftereffects: Zombie Therapy (From the Case Files of Dr. Victor Frenzel, Zombie Psychiatrist), by Zane Bradey – DONE!
And That’s Why I’m Single, by Josh Stern – DONE!
The Aristotelian, by Steve Poling – DONE!
As the Witch Turns (An All About Women Short Story), by Anne M. Cinarpenter – DONE!
Audrey’s Guide for Witchcraft, by Jody Gehrsan – DONE!
Beltane: Ten Tales of Witchcraft, edited by Rayne Hall – DONE!
Caledonii: Birth of a Celtic Nation, by Ian Hall DONE!
Cinderella’s Secret Diary: Lost (Book 1), by Ron Vitale DONE!
Crow’s Hill: The Dark Seeds, by L. M. Fields
Curious Hearts, with James M. Cricket, Walt Trizna, T.D. Jones, Jane Carver, Ellen Margret, Nell Duvall, and Jenny Twist
Dark Inside, by Donna Galanti
Dead Rich, by T. H. Rahman
Eleven Town, by John-Paul Cleary
The Eleventh Universe, by Jim Fostino
Entanglement, by Dan Rix
Faeries Forever, by Ellen Margret
The Girl from Yesterday, by David L. Dawson
Globular Van der Graff’s Goblin Tales for Adults, by Jack Eason
Hearts in Exile, by Mysti Parker DONE!
Hellbound, by Su Halfwerk
I am GooGol, by Bobby Nash and Rodrigo de Castro — DONE!
Journey to Rome, by L.K. Killian
Labyrinthine, by Ruby
Life in Mental Chains: My terrifying journey with OCD, by Ruth J. Hartman
Lightpoints, by Peter Kassan – DONE!
The Last Mailman: Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Zombies, by Kevin J. Burke
Level Zero, by Jaron Lee Knuth
Lonely Moon, by Andrew Saxsma
Mercy, by Jay R.
Midnight’s Jewel, by J. Annas Walker
My Only One, by Gregory M. Thompson
The Noble Fool (Vol. 1 of The Hungering Saga), by Heath Pfaff

The Owl Goddess, by Jenny Twist — DONE!
The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap, by Paulette Mahurin
Plague Nation, by Dana Fredsti – DONE!
The Prelude (The Musical Interlude #1), by KaSonndra Leigh – DONE!
The Rebel Trilogy by F. H. Prohor – DONE!
Rescued by a Duke, by Ruth J. Hartman – DONE!
Risking Everything: Coming Out in Coffee Land, by Elizabeth Worley
The Seventh Age, by Jack Eason
The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo: And the Newly Discovered Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Holy Ghost Writer
Take One at Bedtime, by Jenny Twist –in progress
Taxicab Stands of Kirkland Lake, by Scott Hough – in progress
Through the Door, by Jodi McIsaac – DONE!

TransShifter, by Cindy Borgne
The Twelve Dancing Zombie-Killing Princesses, by Cate Masters
The Vampire Bible, by William Meikle
When Women Were Warriors (Book 1: The Warrior’s Path), by Catherine M. Wilson
Witches Bureau of Investigation, by Richard Capwell
Witch Eyes, by Scott Tracey

On my Kobo:*

Clockwise, by Elle Strauss –
Llewellyn’s 2013 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living
The Thirteenth Unicorn, by W. D. Newman
The Witching Pen (Book One of The Witching Pen Novellas), by Dianna Hardy

*Not counting 57 PREVIEWS!

Print Copies*:

Assholes: A Theoryin progress

Alice Hearts Welsh Zombies, by Victoria Dunne — DONE!

Be Blessed: Daily Devotions for Busy Wiccans and Pagans, by Denise Dumars
Coffee in the Morning, by Roz Denny Fox

Etiquette & Espionage, by Gail Garriger — DONE!
Fearless Girls, Wise Women, and Beloved Sisters: Heroines in Folktales From Around the World by Kathleen Ragan
The Girlfriend Curse, by Valerie Frankel
Hannah: Daughters of the Sea, by Kathryn Lasky – DONE!
The King’s Daughter, by Barbara Kyle
A Human Element, by Donna Galanti – DONE!
Much Ado About Marriage, by Karen Hawkins
Need, by Carrie Jones
Super-parenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach for Raising Your Distracted Child, by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D., and Peter S. Jensen, M.D.

A Time for Everything, by Mysti Parker – DONE!
UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities by John B. Alexander, Ph.D.
A Vintage Affair, by Isabel Wolff

The Way We Fall, by Megan Crewe — DONE!
A Witch’s 10 Commandments: Magickal Guidelines for Everyday Life, by Marian Singer – in progress

*I’ve accumulated more print copies of books since I first compiled this list, of course, so I’ll add them as I read them. 😀


I’ll post reviews on Goodreads, etc. as I complete them, of course. And if anyone has read these as well, please comment below — I’d love to know what you thought of them!

The question bothering me now is — how long will it take me to read all of these fabulous writings? Hmmm…


Announcing the Winner of the Wind and Shadow Prize Package!

From the Coffee Time Romance Fang Lovers Session yesterday, the winner of the signed print copy of Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy (reserved), t-shirt, pen, notebook, mug, magnet, and mystery goodies is…

J. Annas Walker!

A big thank you to everyone who visited my posts on the Coffee Time Romance Fang Lovers Session! And hugs to everyone who commented!


And the winner of my Author Spotlight at Unwritten is…

Thank you to everyone who visited and commented on my Spotlight at Unwritten! (

I truly appreciate all of your thoughts and support! The winner of the e-copy (pdf or Kindle) of Midnight Thirsts with the trilogy’s prequel novella, “Mist and Midnight”, AND a signed print copy (reserved) of Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy is…

De Ann Townes Jr.!

Have a great weekend!

We have a NEW date! Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy will be released May 31!

I’m so excited, all over again! Please plan to join me for the Release Party — details to be posted soon!


Please welcome author Mark Knight!

Blood Family

Blood Family: Quest for the Vampire Key
By Mark Knight

Publisher: Amazon
Illustrator: David M. Rabbitte

Release Date: 4/7/13

Genre: Dark Paranormal

Until the age of seventeen, Daniel Dark had no idea of his true origins. Something was ulcerating deep inside him, waiting to claw its way free. Pastor Nathan Dark and his wife, Annie, had adopted him and brought him up as their own. But Daniel always felt that there was a secret they feared tell him…
Everything changes the day a mysterious package arrives at his home. It contains blood – human blood. Daniel’s vampire half awakens and takes its first step out of the shadows. The once lazy, goalless youth transforms into sharp-sensed killer. Now, there is no turning back.
Many horrors await Daniel, for he not only can detect but also attract the living dead…
Daniel Dark will unlock the sinister netherworld where helpless humans are kept and bred for bloodletting, and where he will have to face the unutterable evil.

I’m so very glad that you were able to join me today at Romance and Other Dangers!

Mark, I always love to picture a writer at work, comfortably ensconced in an office or at a kitchen table, outside on the grass or sitting on a porch. Could you describe your favourite place to write? Where was your book mainly composed?

My book is mainly composed within my head! Being serious; I tend to ‘write’ the whole book – its major events, anyway – within my mind before jotting down any notes whatsoever. But as to the environment I write it, it comprises a desk (gleaned from the office I worked for many years ago; they were throwing it out, and I gave it a good home!), two flat-screen monitors (notes on one monitor, story on the other), and a bookshelf crammed with reference books, including a thesaurus from the late 70s that is about to fall apart!

Wow! That sounds like a great space — I’m envious. Lately I’ve been thinking that two screens would definitely be helpful in my life. Your thesaurus sounds like a well-used treasure! So, what was the inspiration for your novel?

You know, I cannot remember the exact moment that I knew I wanted to do a vampire novel and do it my way. It could have been a dream, a dream where I was a vampire and was feeling conflict between very human frialties and newborn vampire power. I knew I love vampires, and I knew that if I wrote my own, I would have to keep all the cool things about these creatures intact, whilst bringing something new to the mythology.

Absolutely, and from the looks of it, you’ve definitely brought a fresh take the genre that I can’t wait to sink my teeth into (pun intended!). If you could make a soundtrack for your novel, what would be the top five songs on your playlist, and why?

There are quite a few songs actually mentioned in the story. Daniel likes Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Link Park, groups like that, with a bit of an edge. Vampire hunter Logan DuPris is a strong, no-nonsense young woman, and listens to rock music by female singers like Sheryl Crow and Alanis Morissette. So, my playlist would be a combination of those styles, and some others.
Linkin Park – What I’ve Done. When Daniel leaves home, he has already physically harmed  his best friend, and battled with his father, a vampire-hating pastor. He feels guilty, but also is invigorated by his new powers and identity.
Morcheeba – Be Yourself. This could apply to either Daniel or Logan. Both are misfits, even outcasts. But they have to be true to who they are, to ‘be themselves’.
Evanescence – Bring Me To Life. Says it all! Daniel is a half vampire, and not quite undead, but he certainly feels like something within him has died. His old life of school, job, girlfriend, friends , and home are left for dust as he begins his quest to find out who he is. But even before he finds out he is a dhampir, he’d always felt that there was something within him that hadn’t yet awakened.
Tori Amos – Cornflake Girl. Perfect for Logan. She has witnessed her father’s death at the hands of a vampire, and has devoted her life to tracking down dangerous supernatural creatures. Guns, holy water, and talismans are her travelling companions. Family members see her as a little weird. But she is on a mission.
Everlast – What It’s Like. Daniel would have had a much simpler life if only he could convey to his dad what it is like to be a half-vampire. As soon as those powers emerged, Daniel was as good as dead, in the eyes of his father.

Linkin Park, Tori Amos, Evanescence — all are excellent choices, but I might be biased as they’re some of my favourites. Now, I know many of my friends love the anticipation that comes from picking up a new read, especially if the author is developing a series. Is this book a stand-alone, or are you planning to write more?

The books I write are usually designed to be 2 or 3 parters, but can exist as standalones. I have planned out two more books in this series – collectively called The Rites of Daniel Dark – and have written quite a bit of Book 2 already.

*happy dance* Awesome! I’m definitely looking forward to collecting these on my shelf! I find it hard to pick a favourite book, but off the top of your head, what book do you love to come back to again and again, and why?

Everyone who knows me knows I love The Hobbit. I have read that several times, and just love how Tolkien evokes great detail through the simplest usage of words. He created an entire world with its own peoples, rituals, and history. Amazing!

My son just finished reading The Hobbit, and he loved it too. I’m fascinated by detail that Tolkien went to, as well, especially the languages. I like that certain texts today try to go to that same depth in developing fictional worlds.

Readers, please enjoy this excerpt from Blood Family: Quest for the Vampire Key:

Daniel loved Sunday mornings. The folks had gone to Sunday Service of course, leaving Daniel with the entire house to himself.
Mom and Dad had given up trying to keep their son going to church. He hated the place, and made no bones about it. Considering all that his Dad had put him through in that building – the chanting, the laying on of hands, the constricting straps – they really couldn’t protest too much. So, they went to the church and Nathan gave his sermon and Annie helped with the communion, while Daniel sat in the living room at home blitzing out on a slew of Jackie Chan DVDs and cramming down junk food. Bliss.
After the Sunday roast (which even now was sizzling in its own juices in the oven, sending mouth-watering aromas into the living room) Daniel would have a catnap in his room, and then would get ready for an evening out with his cronies. He still hadn’t phoned his girl to see if she wanted to come. Maybe I should just hang loose for a while, he pondered. Daelin can call me for a change.
Yeah, like that would happen.
Impatience would win. Daniel would make the call.
The doorbell rang. Hoisting himself up from the couch, he ambled over to the front door, surprised that there was a caller on a Sunday morning.
Shit, he thought, I’m just in boxers! He shrugged inwardly. Whatever. They’ll have to take me as I am.
He got a fleeting glimpse of the caller through the slim stained glass window that bisected the door. If he had looked a few seconds longer he might have thought twice about opening up at all – but he’d already turned the handle and was swinging the door wide open.
What stood there before him was a courier holding a parcel. Then – no courier, just the parcel on the doorstep.
He’d just imagined the courier.
The parcel was not large, perhaps the length of a loaf of bread, and wrapped in plain brown paper, tied off with string. He picked it up.
Oddly, there was no return address. No postmark. The handwriting of his name and address looked ordinary enough, however. Taking one last look left and right to see if he could see who had left it, he took the mysterious package inside and closed the door against the cold.
The package, by strange contrast, was warm. It was making his palms tingle, as though thousands of miniscule, electrified worms were eating their way out of the package and into his skin. It’s a bomb, he thought, only ninety-seven percent seriously. A bomb left by that creepy old pastor. Well, if it is, I’ll come back and haunt the fuck out of him.
He could have opened it right there but instead took it up the stairs into his room, closing the door after him. Usually, this is what he would do if his parents were home and he wanted to be alone (which was most of the time). Something about this package was telling him that it was not just specifically but uniquely for him, and where better to view its contents than that most sacred of realms – his bedroom.
Standing in the center of the room amid the debris of corn snacks, car mags, and yesterday’s clothes, Daniel allowed himself a long moment to wonder just who could have sent him this thing. It was nowhere near his birthday. His relatives were not about to send him a gift without a reason. Could it be Daelin? Nope – wasn’t her style. She had the role of gift-getter down pat, and Daniel could see no reason why that would have changed.
For a long moment he stared at the package. Feeling a chill, he quickly pulled on a tee shirt and jeans. He took a deep breath. Ok – I’m going for it.
The brown paper tore easily. The parcel wasn’t crumpled at all – in fact, it barely seemed that it had even been handled. Still there was that strange warmth, that weird prickling…
Finally, the last shred of paper fell to the floor. What Daniel Dark held in his hands immediately induced strange sensations. Wonder. Confusion. Dread. It was a glass sphere, like a crystal ball. Black-red in color. Upon its surface was an embossed symbol, a kind of a trident.
For glass, it was remarkably warm. It was then he realized that the orb was not made of red glass; the redness was coming from what it encased within. His hands were tingling even more than before. There was a hissing sound…
The heat from his hands was eating into the material of the sphere. Daniel watched, open mouthed, as the outlines of each of his hands sunk slowly into the glass as though melting their way through it. An electrified glow traced his fingers as the orb continued to distort, until…

Fantastic! Now I’m left wondering about what happens next…which, I suppose, is karma for doing it to other readers myself.

Congratulations again on your book, and thank you so much for being on my blog today! Best wishes, and come back again with Book 2!


About the Author:
Mark Knight grew up in Massachusetts, USA. Settling in the UK, Mark continued to write novels of differing genres, including horror and television scripts. Mark has scripted two horror scripts for Hollywood’s Little Slices of Death production company and one for Illusion Studios. He also won several short story competitions, and has had his work featured in published anthologies. Mark concentrates now on Young Adult urban fantasy novels.
@markknightbooks (Twitter)

4/20 — Enjoy a Latte and some Vampires with me!


This is an all day Eloop chat at The Latte Lounge at Coffee Time Romance featuring the work of Vampire Book Realm Authors. Over 30 VBR Authors will be participating in the event.

Denyse Bridger- Special Giveaway
Cinsearae S.- Special Giveaway and Mystery Prize
Lisa Kessler- Special Giveaway
Maya DeLeina- Special Giveaway
Aquita Lane
Tamara Monteau
Jodie Pierce
Catherine Green
Jeff Dawson- Special Package Giveaway
Tricia Schneider
Tara Fox Hall- Special Giveaway
Siobhan Muir
Lisa Carlisle- Special Giveaway
J. Annas Walker- Special Giveaway
Amy Mah
Cornelia Amiri- Special Giveaway
Celine Chatillon- Special Giveaway
Suzi M.- Special Giveaway
Janet Breakfield
Katalyn Sage
R.E. Mullins- Special Giveaway

Special Giveaways and Packages Include: Signed Trading Cards, Bookmarks, Print Books, eBooks, Clothing, Posters, Gift Cards, and mystery accessories.

Readers: Join us anytime between 12am and 11:59pm on April 20th to explore all type of genre of Vampire Books. You might just find wonderful gifts for your friends, family and yourself! Many of the VBR Authors will be giving away prizes as well.

I’ll be doing a Special Giveaway as well: one lucky commenter will receive a fantastic promo package including a first-run signed copy (reserved) of my coming release, Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy, as well as a notebook, a mug, a pen, a t-shirt, and a magnet, with some mystery goodies!


See you on April 20th at Coffee Time Romance!

Presenting…the Cover for Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy



Rayvin Woods, photographer and natural witch. She just wants to start her life over again after a series of misadventures. She didn’t count on rekindling a lost love when she came home to Talbot…or battling a malevolent vampire and his coven for her life.

Grant Michaels, police officer. He thinks Rayvin is a murderer. He will do whatever it takes to protect the community he loves from danger…but will he learn to trust his heart, and the word of a witch, before it’s too late?

Malcolm de Sade, cunning vampire. Imprisoned underground for a year by Charlotte Fanning and Pike Mahonen (“Mist and Midnight”, Midnight Thirsts), his accidental release unleashes his hunger and ambition on a small, sleepy town…

* * * * * 

My debut novel, the paranormal romance Wind and Shadow, is due for release later this month from Melange Books! Stay tuned for more details!

Also — I would like to thank everyone who came to the Cover Release Party on Facebook. It was a great success, and everyone who attended is receiving a prize. I sincerely appreciate everyone’s support, and I’ve already started thinking about my grand Book Release Party (after I finish my final edits, of course!)!